Friday, 30 September 2016

After Effects Workshop

Colour Edit from the After Effects Workshop

Colour Edit from Niall Thomson on Vimeo.

During the After Effects workshop I managed to create a short 10 seconds clip of me playing around with colour and music. First of all, I started by setting up the document, which I was quite capable of doing as I have used this before. Picking a song choice was a very important step for the work I had to produce. I went with a sound that had a lot of high beats within the 10 second time scale. The reason I chose one with a good amount of high beats was because I had to put a different colour on each beat. So when the beat went it would change colour as you can see in the clip. I was quite good at making it match up and I think that I did this very well. Next I decided to add some text into this to experiment with After Effects more. So on the colour I put the name of the colour to show that I can add text into my work. Overall I am very happy with my outcome of this as it has helped to gain a bit more knowledge on how to use this software.

Thursday, 29 September 2016

Foundation Studio Practice


Genealogy is the study of family history. It is the study of family relationships and ancestry. It is a popular hobby in the United States and in many other countries. Some people show their family history using a family tree. A family tree is a diagram of the members of a family. With a family tree you use lines to show how people are related, for example, people who are married or have children.
Genealogy is a creative formation of histories from a particular perspective.Genealogy are resident and they are one among many.

Condition/Topic - i.e a parson
Trace the emergence - i.e family history

Future Genealogy


The snuggie was brought in because people found blankets too difficult to use. So what the snuggie is, it is a blanket that has sleeves, so that you can walk around in a blanket and still use your hands.

On this note, we had to use this idea and create a project from an emergence. There were loads of emergence's that we could use and the group decided on 'Water as the new currency'.

We had to think about everything that this would associated with. One of the main things that we thought of was where would the water be stored as this would be what we use to buy things with. So what we came up with was banks would have massive water towers where the water would be stored. Then you could go there and store your water. Then we thought about working and getting paid from this. So we had to decide on how much water would an average worker get and then this would give water a value. This went on and on and bellow is the note sheet that we made with all the details and  topics that we spoke about.

Monday, 26 September 2016

What is a Theory?

What is a Theory?
Or in other words 'how to have an idea'
When I hear the word 'Theory' I automatically think that this is a in depth meaning behind something, so Graphic Design in this case. Theory is very important and it has loads of ideas to go with it.

Terry Eagleton 

' The is no reading of a work which is not also a re-writing'

Visual Communication: the conveyance of ideas and information in forms that can be read or viewed. Primarily presented or expressed with two dimensional images, it includes: signs, typography, drawing, graphic design, illustration, industrial design, advertising and animation.


Praxis is the process by which a theory, lesson, or skill is enacted, embodied, or realized. "Praxis" may also refer to the act of engaging, applying, exercising, realizing, or practicing ideas. 

Praxis - Practice, Theory, History.

Anthony Burril

I like it. What is it?

With a theory asking why not just asking how can give an inner logic to your work.

First thing first Manifesto 

This manifesto was published in 1924 by Ken Garland.

The First Things First manifesto was written 29 November 1963 and published in 1964 by Ken Garland. It was backed by over 400 graphic designers and artists and also received the backing of Tony Benn, radical left-wing MP and activist, who published it in its entirety in The Guardian newspaper.

History of Visual Communication

Visual communication is the communication of ideas through the visual display of information. Primarily associated with two dimensional images, it includes: art, signs, photography, typography, drawing fundamentals, colour and electronic resources. Recent research in the field has focused on web design and graphically oriented usability. It is part of what a graphic designer does to communicate visually with the audience.
Andrew Wong - Umbrella Revolution

Art of the Umbrella movement refers to artistic works created as part of the Umbrella movement in Hong Kong which demanded democracy in the election of the territory's top leader. Most of the physical works of art are located within the three main protest sites of AdmiraltyCauseway Bay and Mong Kok, some concepts have originated from outside Hong Kong.